Family Index
Please be patient when surfing our site. Many of the pages contain large family pictures which take time to load when accessing our site through a computer modem. Since we are continuously adding new family history information on this site there exists the possibility that you will run into a dead link. Be advised that these dead links are only placeholders and will be further developed as time goes on. If there is any additional information or photos that you would like to provide about our family history or if there is any existing information that needs correcting please write to me or email me. Because photos take up a lot of room on our website it is recommended that family pictures be small. It would be better if these pictures were already in an electronic format in which case they can be emailed to me. However, I will take actual pictures and have them scanned into our website and I promise you, they will be returned undamaged. Any pictures and family information can be sent to me at the following addresses:
Michael W. Guenther
P.O. Box 91777,
Long Beach, CA 90809
The family members, currently up on our website, are listed below by family name in alphabetical order from top to bottom. We will be adding to this list as each family's history page is developed. To access their history simply click on the family name or the individual name.