(0) CANTY O'Encantie, An early anglicized forms of this name found in
sixteenth century records, gives a link between the modern Canty and the Irish original Ó
an Cháintigh. An unusual type of surname, since those formed from professions and
occupations usually have the Mac not the 0 prefix. In this case it denotes descendant of
the satirist, an cháintigh being the genitive of an cáinteach. It is the name of a
bardic family belonging to west Cork; Canty is given in the "census" of 1659 as
one of the principal names in the barony of Kinalmeaky, Co. Cork. It produced some
well-known poets such as Fearfasa O'Canty (fl. 1610) who was concerned in the celebrated
"Contention of the Bards" in the early seventeenth century. His name in Irish is
usually spelt Ó an Chinte. The sept spread from Co. Cork into Co. Limerick where they
were numerous by the seventeenth century, then mainly under the name of O'Canty and at
times County: County,is found in Kerry and Limerick at thetoday. In the survey of Armagh
made in 1618 the name Canty occurs.
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